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Sew fabric facemasks for local care facilities

Several area facilities are requesting volunteers for sewing fabric face masks. Although they are not N95 masks, they can help protect personnel who are not in close, direct contact with the COVID 19 virus, until supplies are replenished.

We gratefully acknowledge members of the Altar & Rosary Society and Women's Guild who have begun sewing masks for Selma Hospital, Kaweah Delta and Amdahl Home Care.

Parishioner, Mark Fisher of Mission Care Group (Delta Nursing & Rehabilitation Center) is also requesting some assistance and is offering to provide the needed materials to volunteers.

Videos are available online or see the flyer on how to sew them using extra fabric you have at home or fabric donated (available here).

Interested volunteers can contact Patricia Cox by phone at 559-799-2402 or by e-mail at for more information.


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