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Rosary Pledge Campaign

We understand that this health crisis has caused tremendous disruption, turmoil, fear, and uncertainty in our lives. During this trying time, so many have turned to our Lord in prayer.

We are thankful for the many televised and online services and resources we have to nourish ourselves spiritually and for the opportunities we have to stay connected to others by phone, text, skype, and email - sharing loving and inspirational messages to lift our spirits and give us hope for better days when some normalcy returns.

During Fr. Alex’s Sunday Mass (on the parish website), he suggested that we turn to the rosary in prayer.

Believe in the power of the Rosary to heal and transform lives. Believe that, in these troubled times, Our Lady will intercede for us.

In addition to all our other needs, please pray...

  • for our government leaders, that God guide them in their work and in their decisions, as they listen and respond to sound medical advice

  • for our priests and deacons, as they minister to the sick and dying, and see to the spiritual needs of our parish communities

  • for all caregivers, that they be well, strong, and compassionate in tending to the sick and dying

  • for people already infected and all who fear they have been exposed

  • for travelers and those in quarantine, who need to get home

  • for our families and ourselves, that we may feel the protection, mercy, and love of God and express our love for Him in return

We, the Altar & Rosary Society, are dedicated to continuing what we began, as our ministry’s mission this Lenten Season, our parish Pledge-to Pray Rosary Campaign. Now, more than ever, when so many of us have the time, when we all need to reach out in prayer, please join us to make this effort surpass all expectations by Easter Sunday.

We ask you to send your pledges to our email listed below. Simply total the number of rosaries being recited by you and by each individual family member or friend participating-from Ash Wednesday till Easter.

We ask those in ministries to spread the word to all members and beyond. We ask our GMC families, who were so very devoted to this campaign last year, to support this parish effort again. To those families with children and/or adults in the Religious Formation programs, please take this opportunity to put your faith into practice.

Let’s do this as one Parish Family, one Faith Community in Christ. Let’s support one another and raise our voices in prayer to make a difference because. . . Prayer changes everything.

Email pledges now to:

May God bless us all and keep us safe from harm.



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