Girls 5 years-18 years: Junior Catholic Daughters (JCDA) is taking new sign-ups for religious emblem award series. Our parish is JCDA is a Catholic program for girls Kindergarten through 12th grade. The JCDA of GSCP has girls from all four GSCP parishers- ranging in all ages! We have fun with outdoor and indoor activities. We also earn badges such as the baker's badge, camping badge, actor's badge, Our Lady of Fatima badge, music badge, knitting badge, skin care badge, and so many more! We must learn about the Patron Saint associated with each badge too. Girls must be baptized Catholic to join the JDCA. Dues are $1 per month and we meet on periodic Sunday afternoons. For more information call or email Elaine Carrasco at 559-553-2450;
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