It is with great joy that the Order of Franciscan Seculars announce the profession of the gospel life of Nancy Allain and Al Smith to the Franciscan Order. Our Bishop Joseph V. Brennan celebrated a beautiful Mass for the occasion of profession.
Those professed receive grace to be able to make a commitment to live in the world according to the spirit of the Beatitudes and the whole community. The permanent commitment to the gospel life publicly proclaimed during the celebration reminds us of something which is also made present every day in the Eucharist: After the example of Christ and in union with His own act of thanksgiving, Franciscans are to present themselves before the Father as living sacrifices of praise given for the life of the world.
The OFS fraternity of St. Mary's wishes to thank all of you who participated in this joyous occasion especially our Bishop Joseph V. Brennan, Deacon Henry Medina, all the clergy and staff of Good Shepherd Parish, the altar servers, Wendy Culbreth and the Gregorian Schola of St. Francis, Knights of Columbus, the Lay Dominican Chapter of St. Hyacinth, OFS fraternity of St. John's Fresno, OFS faternity of St. Joseph's Bakersfield, and all the parish organizations and ministries that were present.