Friday, November 2nd is the Feast of All Soul’s. On this day the Church celebrates the central Christian belief in a glorious life after death. As early as the 4th Century, Christians revered the martyrs whose death for Christ, it was believed, assured them of heaven. But what about Christians who did not have a heroic death for the faith or live lives of extraordinary virtue?
The Church teaches that after death, Christian souls may undergo a time in purgatory, a time of “purification” for those who indeed do die in God’s grace and friendship, but lack that state necessary to enter fully and immediately into the joy of heaven. Our prayers for the “poor souls” undergoing purification not only helps them, but also makes possible their eventual interceding for us.
All Soul’s Day remembrance envelopes are available in the church vestibules, at the parish office. You may already have one in the envelope packets that are mailed to those who request the weekly church envelopes. Please list the names of those you wish to be remembered, and place it in the collection basket at Mass or bring it to the office by November 1st. Envelopes will be collected at Masses on November 2nd as well. If there is not enough room on the envelope, please simply add more names to an extra slip of paper and include that slip in the envelope.
“May all the Faithful Departed, Through the Mercy of God,
Rest in Peace, Amen.”