To all households who receive collection envelopes in the mail, keep an eye our for our new St. Charles collection envelopes. In your next delivery of envelopes, you will receive one custom-designed for our monthly St. Charles Second Collection. Our next collection will take place January 13th but your first custom envelope will be for the Feb. 10th collection.
We sincerely appreciate any contribution you are able to make through these second collections. Our St. Charles building fund helps us prepare for the future of our growing parish. St. Charles church is slated to hold upwards of 3,000 people! Imagine our parish community coming together to worship and celebrate the sacraments in unity. As the new church helps to create larger attendance at Sunday mass, it also offers relief to our over-worked clergy, as we will be able to reduce the number of Sunday masses they will have to serve.
If you would like to begin receiving collection envelopes in the mail, please register to become a parishioner by following the link to our website: https://www.gscparish.com/registration
You can also make contributions online with our Online Giving program. Follow this link to get started: https://www.gscparish.com/onlinegiving
For more information and updates on our St. Charles Building Project, visit www.stcharlesvisalia.com.