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Bulletin: November 21, 2021


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. It is likely that when we think of a king, the image that comes to mind is of pomp, ceremony, and civic authority. Jesus is a king like no other. He is not bound by the constraints of time or place. His authority is everlasting. He is the one “who is and who was and who is to come.” Jesus does not rule as earthly kings govern. Jesus reigns in humble obedience to the will of God the Father and calls us to do the same. It is by following the truth of Christ’s command and listening to his voice of love that we are made into a kingdom, serving the One whose dominion is everlasting.


In the waters of Baptism, we were drawn into Christ, who is priest, prophet, and king and called to be “alter Christus,” “other Christs.” Christ who is a priest sanctifies the everyday stuff of life, building a bridge between God and humanity. Christ who is a prophet proclaims God’s love and mercy in a world that desperately needs it. Christ who is king rules the universe in loving, sacrificial service. We who are baptized into Christ are called to bring God’s love into our hearts, homes, places of work, and the wider world. We are called to show and share God’s love to others, especially those who most need the care, compassion, and forgiveness that is at the heart of Christ’s eternal message. We are called to give of ourselves beyond what might seem reasonable, in imitation of our Lord and king who gave himself on the cross and who reigns forever.


Jesus said to Pilate, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Jesus spoke to the disciples and his voice reaches through the ages in the words of sacred scripture and the tradition of the Church. In prayer, participation in the liturgy, and learning from the saints and the teachings of the Church, we grow in belonging to the truth of Christ’s love. We hear and follow Jesus’ command to wash others’ feet, to love as he loves, to serve as he serves. And while it is certainly our duty to do so, there is more to our service than merely fulfilling the instructions of another. We fulfill Christ’s command as a grateful response to the incredible love of God for us. How will you listen to and serve the Lord? How will you make Jesus the king of your heart and life?

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