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Bulletin: April 4, 2021


Easter Sunday

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Imagine the flood of emotions that Mary of Magdala must have experienced on that first Easter morning. Grieving and yet determined to visit the place where Jesus’ body had been laid, Mary would have been stunned to find the tomb empty. Imagine Simon Peter and the other disciple who, upon hearing Mary’s announcement, ran to see for themselves. On Easter, we hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection as though for the first time, through the account of Mary’s discovery and the testimony of Peter who powerfully shared Christ’s Paschal Mystery. We, too, have come to believe through their faithful witness. We are called to seek what is above, turn away from sin, and live as people who are forever transformed by the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection.


Mary ran to tell Simon Peter and the other disciple that the tomb was empty. No doubt confused and concerned, Peter and the other disciple set aside whatever fear might have occurred to them and ran to see the tomb for themselves. We do not always understand God’s ways. We too are confused at times; our lives are marked by moments of uncertainty, and at times we are afraid. We can learn from Mary, Simon Peter, and the other disciple and step out in faith, trusting that we will find the Lord in the midst of the circumstances of our lives. When life gets complicated, as it often does, the best thing to do is step out, perhaps even run to the Lord!


We may not have opportunities to address crowds of people and share the gospel with them. Still, we are called to bear witness to our faith in the ways that we are able, in word and in deed. We cannot share what we have not fully embraced ourselves, however. The Easter season is the perfect time to reflect on Christ’s Paschal Mystery, the unfathomable love of Jesus who shows and shares God’s love perfectly. Our Lord gave his life so that we might have life, and have it to the full. Christ’s victory over sin and death is our victory, our promise of eternal life with God in the fullness of time. See in Christ’s life, passion, death, and resurrection the sign of God’s mercy. Let this Easter day be a moment in which you allow yourself to be touched by Christ’s incredible, undying love. Then, renewed in faith, look for ways to bear witness to the mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love of the Lord with others.

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