The reality of building St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is no longer a vision that is years away. With the final approval of site plans, the architect’s plan and the selection of the General Contractor, the timeline for completion of this new facility is projected for the fall of 2019. The economic scope of the building itself will be approximately $13,000,000.00. The parish has reserve funds of $2,000,000.00 to begin the project and will secure a loan from the diocese to finance the project as it moves along.
At this time, two major financial obligations that the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish has are the annual assessment to the Diocese of Fresno of $318,000.00, and the mandatory 2nd collections that are established by the USCCB as well as the Diocese of Fresno. Last year alone, $180,833.00 was given by Good Shepherd Catholic parish to the different recipients of the designated 2nd collections.
In order to continue to remain faithful to the Church’s primary ministry of serving the poor but to retain more of the parish’s resources for the building of the new church, the decision has been made to consolidate the majority of the mandated 2nd collections into 2 annual collections. The monthly envelope packets will no longer have individual envelopes for each collection but will include an envelope for the consolidated collections which have the designated cause that will be supported through those 2 respective consolidated 2nd collections. The total proceeds from each consolidated collection will be distributed amongst each of the designated causes.
The second collections that directly benefit the parish’s outreach or the support of the clergy – Catholic Charities in May and Priests’ Retirement in June - will continue to be taken up as they have been in the past. The 2nd collection envelope will be included in the monthly packets for the weekends on which the collections will be scheduled.
As well, the mission appeal which comes through the Diocesan Missionary Cooperative Plan will also continue to be taken as a 2nd collection when it is scheduled.
A monthly 2nd collection specifically for the building fund will begin to be taken in the near future so that those who are unable to participate in the formal fundraising campaign may still share their resources without making a specific commitment. With this plan in place, the parish will be better equipped to have the means and opportunity to pay down the debt in a timely manner.
As we embark on realizing a new church that will adequately serve the people of Good Shepherd Catholic Parish, we ask that you continue to support this very necessary endeavor through your time, treasure and talent.