Baptism Payment
Baptism is the first Sacrament celebrated in the journey to become a full member of the Catholic Church. The waters of Baptism symbolize life and death, washing and cleansing, and the mystery of new life out of death. Baptism welcomes adults and children into our Community of Faith and initiates them into the “Family of God.”
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Please note that you will need to have an email address and valid credit card to complete this online process. If you would like to pay by check or cash, or need further assistance, please call the Parish Office at (559) 734-9522 during office hours (see below).
Tenga en cuenta que deberá tener una dirección de correo electrónico y una tarjeta de crédito válida para completar este proceso en línea. Si desea pagar con cheque o efectivo, o necesita asistencia adicional, llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia al (559) 734-9522 durante el horario de oficina (vea a continuación).